Pretty Paws Rescue, is a independent cat rescue dedicated to rescuing cats and kittens off the streets of Los Angeles, CA.
Pretty Paws Rescue, is a independent cat rescue dedicated to rescuing cats and kittens off the streets of Los Angeles, CA.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, looking at the adoptable cats, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and consider adopting a kitty or donating to help support Pretty Paws Rescue.
Pretty Paws Rescue, has lots of adoptable cats/kittens excited to meet you. Check out their bios online, and fill out our adoption application for a chance to meet and adopt your new furry friend.
Looking to foster? We constantly get requests to help with cats/kittens and rely on fosters. Consider fostering, even temporarily to help a cat in need. We cover all medical expenses and will help start you off with supplies to foster if needed.